About Ash

About the Author of Ash's Villages

Ashley Kleinsmith aka "Ash" is relatively new to the world of blogging, but she certainly isn't new to writing. Throughout her professional and academic journey her written work has consistently garnered recognition. But as any blogger will tell you, blogging means more than just writing good content these days, so she is still learning the ins and outs of blog writing.

Why a blog about miniature villages? 

Ashley Kleinsmith originally started Ash's Villages because she wanted to learn web development, and someone recommended that she start a blog.

She had mulled it over for some time before deciding to do it, but since a blog would give her a space to write and share her thoughts, ideas, and opinions with others, why wasn’t she already doing this? And just like that this blog came into fruition! Just kidding... What happened was Ashley ran into her first and biggest problem, deciding what she wanted to write about.

Ashley is curious by nature, so when contemplating topics for a blog, she  struggled to narrow down her list to only a few topics, let alone a single one. But when Christmastime rolled around that year, everything clicked into place.

Ashley Kleinsmith is the founding author of Ash's Villages BlogShe’d recently inherited the Christmas village she grew up seeing displayed each year and had researched some ideas for how to set up the tiny village, only to be blown away by the creativity, realism, and sheer size of the displays she saw photos of. Her measly three-building, three-figurine village needed some umph, and she was just crafty enough to do it herself. Ultimately, this led to her decision to write about miniature holiday villages as the topic for her first blog, and Ash’s Villages was born.

The next year, when Ashley was gifted a building and couple of figurines for a Halloween village.So, Ash's Villages, which was still in its infancy, expanded to include both Christmas and Halloween villages in its subject matter.

The intent behind starting Ash’s Villages blog was to use it as a platform for testing out new knowledge and skills. This means that the blog is full of the nuances that come with inexperience. And since Ashley found it difficult to write about Halloween and Christmas during the spring and summer months the blog has remained quite small, just like her villages. :)

 Connect with Ashley

 Ashley's website

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Ashley Kleinsmith on LinkedIn


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